Bookbinding Legatoria

Books and comics
FB Bookbinding also specialises in binding books, whether they’re luxury editions or pocket books, in order to mantein their function and durability. Binding books nowadays is often consdered as a leisure option, or something due only to ancient, valuable books, but in the Bindery we consider also the emotional value of a book, not just the economical one.
The Bindery is dedicated to making all books readable again, whether it’s for a loose spine or some flying pages to make it last, or even giving it a “second life”. Our customers are both libraries and antiquarians, both private customers who bring us their precious books collected with passion over the years.
Services includes re-backing, new bindings on pocket books, hardcover books, first editions book in personal copy for the author, school books, dictionaries, encyclopedias and Bibles, and the preliminary study of the project is the most enjoyable part of the work. The sky’s the limit!
The above services are also provided for comics. These can be bound in books (reading copy, of course) or preserved inside a tailored clamshell box.
All projects are highly customizable, with consideration of materials, structures, ideas, designs and printing details.